RTE News cover the IBSL’s Wigmore Hall recording session — Ina Boyle Society Limited

RTE News cover the IBSL’s Wigmore Hall recording session

RTE News cover the IBSL’s Wigmore Hall recording session, interviewing Katie Rowan and Orla Shannon, PhD scholar.

"It was socially distanced ‘lights, camera, action’ at Wigmore Hall as performers brought the music of Ina Boyle to life.", reported RTE’s Fiona Mitchell.

The recording session at Wigmore Hall will be released in 2021 as an album of Ina Boyle’s vocal music, many of which have only been recently notated by Government of Ireland PhD scholar, Orla Shannon, from their original handwritten manuscripts:
"We went into Trinity College Dublin, photographed the original manuscripts that will have been in Ina Boyle’s own handwriting and created typeset critical editions of these scores.”

The story is located 39 minutes into RTE’s programme.
